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Proper Planning of Wedding & Other Events can save you the GST of 13%

As we all know, India is a country of magnificent Wedding & other Events. In this regard, if proper planning is done for such events, GST of 13% on total amount can be saved which means a lot of money.

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To understand the planning in this regard, we would first like to discuss various GST Rate for such events:


GST Rate*

Venue Booked Separately

18% on Rent of Venue

Outdoor Catering Booked Separately

5% on Outdoor Catering

Other Services like DJ, Photography etc. Booked Separately

18% on Value of such Service

Venue, other services plus Outdoor Catering Booked as single service

5% on Total Bill

*Assuming Room Rent of the place/hotel where such Event is being organised is up to Rs. 7,500 per day. In Case, Room Rent is more than Rs. 7,500 per day, GST rate would be 18%.

We hope, now you would have understood that how planning an arrangement for wedding & other events can save you from GST amount that is also 13%. For instance, if total spend on wedding is Rs. 10 Lakhs apart from outdoor catering, Cost up to Rs.1.30 Lakhs on account of GST can be saved which is lot of money.

Therefore, we suggest if possible sign a bundle agreement to the extent possible for such events including of Venue, Outdoor Catering & other services to the extent possible.

Please join our whats app channel (Fab Gyan) for regular updates on GST & Personal Finance.

Disclaimer: We have taken due care to the best of our knowledge while explaining the provisions surrounding the issue purely for informational/academic purpose. It should not be considered as professional advice or consultancy to be relied upon. While due care has been taken by Fab Gyan in preparing this article, certain mistakes and omissions may creep in. The Fab Gyan or its Author does not accept any liability for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of any inaccurate or incomplete information in this document nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. 


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