Clarification regarding taxability of the transaction of providing loan by an overseas affiliate to its Indian affiliate or by a person to a related person- reg.
F. No. CBIC-20001/4/2024-GST
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Revenue)
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
GST Policy Wing
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 26th June 2024
The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners/ Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Central Tax (All)
The Principal Directors General/ Directors General (All)
Subject: Clarification regarding taxability of the transaction of providing loan by an overseas affiliate to its Indian affiliate or by a person to a related person- reg.
Representations have been received from trade and industry seeking clarity on whether there is any supply involved in the transaction of granting of loan by a person to a related person or by an overseas affiliate to its Indian entity, where the consideration being paid is only by way of interest or discount, and whether any GST is applicable on the same.
2. In order to clarify the issue and to ensure uniformity in the implementation of the provisions of law across the field formations, the Board, in exercise of its powers conferred by section 168 (1) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “CGST Act”), hereby clarifies the issues as under:
S.No. | Issue | Clarification | ||
| Clarification regarding taxability of the transaction of providing loan by an overseas entity to its Indian related entity or by a person in India to a related person | ||
1. |
3. It is requested that suitable trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of this Circular.
4. Difficulties, if any, in implementing this Circular may please be brought to the notice of the Board. Hindi version would follow.
(Sanjay Mangal)
Principal Commissioner (GST)
Disclaimer: We have taken due care while copying content of the Circular for purely informational/academic purpose however mistakes may creep in while copying. Therefore, it is requested that Original Circular may please be referred. Fab Gyan and its Team will not be responsible for any mistake.
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