Index of Industrial Production: Industrial Production in the month of July Contracted by 10.4% as compared to contraction of 16.5% in June-2020 and 57.6% in month of April-2020.
IIP Index (Index of Industrial Production) tracks manufacturing activities in the country.
It is published on monthly basis.
It is published by CSO.
Base Year 2011-12
It consists of three sectors at Broad Level i.e. manufacturing (75.53%), Mining (14.16%) and Electricity (10.32%).
Eight Core Industries (Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel, Cement, and Electricity) has weight of nearly 40% in the Index.
India’s Ranking in terms of Global Economic Freedom Index, issued by Centre for Civil Society in conjunction with Canada’s Fraser Institute, falls from 79th Position to 105th Position
Six Parameters are there to evaluate it including Size of Government, Legal System and Property Rights, Freedom to Trade Internationally, Sound Money, Regulation, Overall.
Hong Kong Tops the Index.
Adani Group is in Discussion with Foreign Banks to Raise money through Greenfield Bonds: Greenfield funding means money borrowed to fund New/Under Construction Projects.
SEBI Tweaks Definition of Multi-Cap Mutual Fund: SEBI has made it mandatory to invest at least 25% of the corpus in each Large Cap companies (First 100 companies in terms of Market Capitalization), Mid Cap Companies (101-250 Companies) and Small Cap Companies(251 onwards). For balance 25% Mutual Fund can apply its discretion. Market Capitalization means (No. of Shares* Share Price)
Tata Motors Wants to Use Free Cash flows to Repay Debt: Free Cash Flow Means Cash from operations minus Cash required for replacement of Assets.
Banks Plan to Invoke Personal Guarantee in 40 Cases: Personal Guarantee means when a company fails to repay loan of Banks/Financial Institution, Banks can then file a case against promoters or directors to sale their personal assets to recover their loan if they have given personal guarantee at the time of taking loan by the company.
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT’s) has released State’s Startup Rankings 2019 in which Gujarat got the Top Position.
Development of i-create (One of the largest start-up incubator in the country) was one of the deciding factor in favor of Gujarat.
Currency in Circulation Rises in August by 24% what it means that People are hoarding more Cash due to fear of uncertainties.